
Geotechnical tools and services designed to examine and monitor near-surface seabed conditions

Bluefield Geoservices specializes in the development of cost-effective, time-saving geotechnical solutions and so, with that in mind, developed a shallow geotechnical system that can be paired and deployed with any Work Class ROV and trencher. The shallow geotechnical tools, which include CPT and Samplers, are incorporated into a tightly integrated and compact design to ensure rapid deployment and ease of transportation.

The system is capable of shallow CPT testing up to 5 m and sampling up to 1.5 m, so is ideal for pipeline, cable route, decommissioning, and subsea development surveys.

Over the years, the Bluefield team has amassed considerable in situ testing and site investigation experience in the Caspian Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, the North Sea, and offshore regions of Australasia. With oilfield development, it is critical to have a kit that can perform numerous CPT and Sample tests within a tightly defined area, and the ROVcone not only allows for precision positioning but also the ability to fly the ROV to the next survey point without the need to retrieve the equipment between each test, resulting in significant operational efficiency.

We have also used ROV-deployed geotechnical tools on decommissioning jobs that involve taking samples to characterize a drill cutting/mud mound under a platform where conventional geotechnical equipment would be unable to access, as well as to test seabed conditions for cable routes.

rov-deployed geotechnics